Sunday 16 June 2024

How many books is too many books?

It's been a busy week with some inspiring events at the Belfast book festival, catching up with writing friends and independent book shop week kicking off. 

The good news is that being in the company of successful writers, supportive writing friends and LOTS of books has got me back to my writing again after a break. During the week I took some time to dust off a manuscript I hadn't looked at for more than six months and I'm back working on it again. 

I also had a poetry acceptance from The Dirigible Balloon for my poem 'Waiter! I am most disgusted!' This couldnt have come at a better time, as I get back to my writing.

I also managed to acquire a pile of new books - well eleven, to be precise, during the last week, along with a lovely goody bag yesterday when I visited The Secret Bookshelf.

Now to find time to read them all..............

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