
Sunday, 30 June 2024

Back in the groove

June has been a busy month with lots of writing related activities, and I'm pleased to say some writing too. Last weekend I managed to quickly pop back down to The Secret Bookshelf to pick up an order. It will definitely keep me occupied for a while.

Later I took advantage of the sunshine to sit outside in the garden and get on with some writing. We were due back at Coney Island yesterday so there was homework to be done in advance.

I had fun completing the task, writing a new short story which I shared with the group yesterday. It needs a bit more work but it is still a first draft. It was good to get feedback on it from my writing pals over coffee and rhubarb and ginger muffins (they were yummy).

We shared our writing news, gave feedback to each other on our work, made plans, did some writing exercises using some picture prompts and had a thoroughly enjoyable morning, despite the sun not joining us. It rounded off a busy month which has seen me getting back into my writing groove.

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