
Sunday, 12 November 2023

Recharging at Coney

Our writing group were back down at Coney Island yesterday. It seems like ages since we've been there and a long time since we've had a good catch up. Despite all the heavy rainfall there's been in the area in the last few weeks, our journey there was very pleasant and it almost felt like a summer's day when we arrived to the sound of the tide lapping, the sun shining and brave souls taking a dip. By the time we were leaving the tide had gone out.

We spent a very pleasant morning catching up on news, drinking coffee and eating home made shortbread and apple and cinnamon muffins. Sitting on comfortable sofas in the morning sunshine with stunning sea views, we made some forward plans.

We did do some writing exercises, really stretching the grey matter. But yesterday it seemed more important to listen to what everyone else has been doing, the challenges we face and how we might manage them. Sometimes it's good to have time to talk and recharge our batteries. We're very lucky in our writing group to have people who are there to listen to us. 

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