
Saturday, 29 April 2023

Coney beach, far away in time

Earlier I had a lovely Bank Holiday Saturday morning with my writing pals at Coney, including Maddie and muffins. While the mist was enveloping Belfast and heavy rain was making driving difficult on our way there, the sun was shining at Coney. Often it feels like a magical, mythical place and today was special.

Armed with freshly baked blueberry and ginger muffins I made my way to Coney to meet up with my writing pals. As we scoffed goodies and coffee we caught up on each others' news - some very exciting! 

Maddie had some challenging writing exercises for us today, which really made us think. All of these exercises are invaluable in improving and honing our work. Along with the encouragement and support from fellow writers, time spent at Coney is always special.

I always come away from this writing group enthused and invigorated for my writing and today was no different.

And knowing I'll be back at Coney beach someday will help sustain the momentum until then.

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