
Sunday, 8 January 2023

New Year, New Opportunities

There's nothing like a blast of cold January sea air to blow away the Christmas cobwebs and stir the lethargy that developed over the holiday period. The bracing sea air and bright sunshine at Coney yesterday brought energy to our writing group.

We spent time catching up on news and doing some writing exercises, interspersed by apple and cinnamon muffins and coffee. I never fail to be amazed at the variety and quality of writing produced by my writing friends in Coney, inspired by a writing prompt - yesterday's prompts were old photographs. And often these little nuggets we develop in writing exercises are revisited and go on to grow into a bigger piece - a poem or story at a later date.

Getting back into a routine is good, and it's good to set some goals and build some structure to the writing year, whether that be specific annual, monthly,  weekly or even daily goals or putting dates in the diary for future writing workshops and events. It all provides structure. Starting strong in January can be easy. Maintaining the momentum throughout the year can be much more challenging. Inspired by meeting my writing pals again yesterday, when I returned home I started some planning for this writing year. Now the challenge will be sticking to the plan.

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