
Tuesday, 1 December 2020

So how did Not NaNoWriMo go?

This year being different than any before, I knew NaNoWriMo would not work well for me. I knew I wouldn't have time or energy for a 'normal' NaNoWriMo so I opted for the new normal.

Rather than trying to write the first draft of a novel, my much more realistic goal was to spend at least four hours a week writing and to work on a couple of short stories.

So how did it go?

I'm pleased to say this approach worked well. Rather than falling off the NaNoWriMo band wagon half way through November (which has happened on two previous occasions!) I clung on right to the end of the journey. 

I managed to steal at least four hours each week to write. I worked on four new short stories and submitted ten pieces of work. I attended three virtual writing meetings - one with my  Coney Island writing pals, one with SCBWI Ireland writers and one with SCBWI members across Europe (this wouldn't have happened in other years so there are some benefits to 2020!)

I received four rejections and one acceptance and attended two virtual book launches - one for Anthony Quinn's new book, Turncoat and the other for our own Christmas anthology  'Underneath the Tree'.

The approach worked - it's worth trying doing things differently 

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