
Thursday, 5 November 2020

Is this the new normal?

It's not normal to write a Christmas story in the spring nor to put your Christmas tree up at the start of November is it? But then what has been normal this year?

But last night, I donned my Christmas jumper, filled my reindeer mug and sat beside my Christmas tree. Lockdown had not finally got to me. There was a reason for this irrational behaviour. And it was all in a good cause, or rather two good causes.

Last night I joined 12 other writers from Norn Iron for the launch of the gorgeous anthology we all have contributed a story to, 'Underneath the Tree'. And while it was not the launch that had been planned, it was still good fun and great to be part of. What else would you do on a cold, dreary November evening in lockdown?

We met over Zoom and read excerpts from our stories to give the audience a flavour of what's in store for them when they delve into the book. Thanks to Claire Savage and Kelly Creighton for developing this project and to the Arts Council of  Northern Ireland for supporting it. 

All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Simon Community Northern Ireland and World of Owls Northern Ireland. It's available to buy now on Amazon,

And it might just be the perfect Christmas gift for someone you know....

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