
Sunday, 15 November 2020

Counting the days

It 's hard to believe we're halfway through November already. 

And if you're counting down you'll know it's 40 days until Christmas. Henry, one of the characters in my story 'Secret Santa' would be able to tell you this too. If you want to find out more about him, you can read the story in 'Underneath the Tree', now available on Amazon

Around this point in November, if I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo I sometimes begin to wobble. This year I'm not taking part in it, but still trying to stick to writing goals this month. At the end of week two, I've submitted a couple of short stories, taken part in the SCBWI Ireland catch up on Zoom and begun to draft a new short story, so still sticking to the plan, despite the many competing demands on my time.

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