
Saturday, 24 October 2020

Book Week

It was Book Week this week in Northern Ireland, encouraging us to take at least 15 minutes a day to read.

I managed to squeeze in at least 15 minutes most nights to read a chapter from the Santa Montefiore novel I'm currently reading  'Daughters of Castle Deverill' recently acquired from my local bookshop, The Secret Bookshelf.

But this year, BookWeekNI took on a different slant for me, when on Monday a copy of the poetry anthology I have a poem included in arrived through the letterbox.

I've dipped into 'Places of Poetry' this week but still have to indulge thoroughly in it.

Then this morning, Christmas came early when my author copy of a book I have a short story in, arrived in the post. 'Underneath the Tree' features twelve Christmas stories from writers in Northern Ireland and is released in a couple of weeks. It looks beautiful and I think it will be read from cover to cover, long before the Christmas season commences.

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