
Tuesday, 27 October 2020

In the News

Great to see a write up in today's online Belfast Newsletter about 'Underneath the Tree', launching next week. You can read it here

In these strange days, the launch featuring stories from authors across Northern Ireland will take place via Zoom. 

I can confirm it is a beautiful book and will make a great stocking filler.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Book Week

It was Book Week this week in Northern Ireland, encouraging us to take at least 15 minutes a day to read.

I managed to squeeze in at least 15 minutes most nights to read a chapter from the Santa Montefiore novel I'm currently reading  'Daughters of Castle Deverill' recently acquired from my local bookshop, The Secret Bookshelf.

But this year, BookWeekNI took on a different slant for me, when on Monday a copy of the poetry anthology I have a poem included in arrived through the letterbox.

I've dipped into 'Places of Poetry' this week but still have to indulge thoroughly in it.

Then this morning, Christmas came early when my author copy of a book I have a short story in, arrived in the post. 'Underneath the Tree' features twelve Christmas stories from writers in Northern Ireland and is released in a couple of weeks. It looks beautiful and I think it will be read from cover to cover, long before the Christmas season commences.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Poems in the Post

I was delighted when I heard that my poem 'Riverdance' was to be included in the 'Places of Poetry' anthology. But it was even more exciting today to receive a couple of copies of the book in the post. 

Never had I imagined that I'd have a poem in an anthology that also included contributions from poets I'd studied at school and at university, like Thomas Hardy, Anne Bronte, Robert Burns, Gerald Manley Hopkins, Lord Byron, Walter Scott, John Clare, William Wordsworth, and on a page next to Percy French. This beautiful anthology also features poems from contemporary poets from across the UK. As we head into a long winter this will be one book I'll be dipping into frequently.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Catching up with writers

 It's funny how quickly we have become used to virtual writing meetings. While we would obviously much rather meet face to face and in Coney Island it isn't possible, so Zoom meetings are definitely the next best thing. 

Fuelled by chocanana muffins (which unfortunately I can't share with fellow writers at the moment) we caught up on each other's news, chatted and then did a few writing exercises. As always, even virtually, I came away from Coney writers enthused, encouraged and raring to write.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Happy (book) birthday!

Today was a special day - the beginning of a new month, National Poetry Day and the book birthday of 'Places of Poetry'.

My poem 'Riverdance' which won first prize in the poetry category of the first Lagan Navigation Trust's Storymaking competition, features in this gorgeous anthology, the culmination of the 'Places of Peotry' project, mapping the nation in verse.

This evening I attended the 'virtual' book launch hosted by The Poetry Society where some of the poets from across the United Kingdom featured in the anthology read from the book.

It's now available to buy - check out your local book shop and enjoy!