
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Back at Coney (virtually)

It was great being back at Coney Island this morning - well in the circumstances a virtual meeting is the best we can do, and it almost felt we were there. Thanks to technology we could see the sun was shining in Coney Island. The sky was a brilliant blue and there was home baking here and most of us were present and correct.

Aren't we so fortunate to have the technologies we enjoy? It's making lockdown slightly less difficult. It was great to see everyone, chat about our writing and to hear some writing that's been done in the last few difficult weeks.

It's thanks to these guys, that I am back writing. A few writing prompts they shared have got my writing kick-started again. I should have known I just needed to wait and the Coney Island touch would get me going again. Thanks all!

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