
Sunday, 8 December 2019

Christmas at Coney

It's hard to believe we're in December already - it only seems a blink since summer and before we know it the man with the bag will have been and gone for another year.
Yesterday  we held our Christmas celebrations in Coney, commencing with coffee and cranberry and orange muffins.

Before we got tucked into our sumptious Christmas dinner (a veritable feast -as always) we reviewed our writing year -highpoints and successes. Within our small group we have all progressed well on our separate writing journeys during the year and collectively achieved a great deal including publication, competition wins and public performances of our stories.

Our review of the year was followed by an intimate book signing by Maddie who this week is publishing her book on the San Damiano cross. This has been a real labour of love for her. It was very special for all of us to celebrate this achievement with her.

As our writing year at Coney draws to a close, we're looking forward to more enjoyable meet-ups and writing in 2020!