
Monday, 21 October 2019

Book Week

Last week was BookWeekNI - the challenge was to read for at least 15 minutes every day, encouraging those who don't have a reading habit to develop one, and those who already have, to continue to enjoy reading.

I've a well developed reading ritual. I usually read for at least 15 minutes in bed every night before going to sleep. The love of a bedtime story as a child has stayed with me. Reading creates a sense of calm, transports you to another world and helps you forget the worries of your busy day, and it also helps me sleep.

So last week I rose to the challenge, achieving at least 15 minutes reading time every day resulting in finishing Brian Moore's 'The Temptation of Eileen Hughes' and beginning (and I'm now more than half way through - and loving!) Jojo Moyes' short story collection 'Paris for One'.

I also managed to read some critique work for a couple of my writing pals, join a new online critique group, listen to one of my writing pals, Kelly McCaughrain speaking on BBC Radio Ulster about children's books and also do a little bit of writing! In my view it should be book week every week!

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