
Saturday, 27 July 2019

catching up over coffee

I have to admit I am a coffee addict. It's an addiction that runs in our family.

I can't function without starting the day with a coffee and I need a few more cups during the day, every day. If I don't have coffee I develop headaches. And during this hot spell of weather we've been having I've still needed the coffee. Thank goodness for iced coffee - I've enjoyed several this week.

All of these coffees are good on their own, but when accompanied by something sweet the experience is enriched - be that cake, a banana, chocolate, a biscuit... This morning at the Belfast SCBWI meet up a piece of fruity tea brack was the sweet accompaniment.
But the best accompaniment to a good coffee is good company. And in our group we look forward to meeting up with each other, catching up on our writing and other news, sharing our writing plans, successes, hurdles and the writing journeys we're each travelling. Writing can be an isolating pastime, when a cup of coffee is an encouragement and comfort, stimulant and nourishment. That's why it's so important to spend time with other writers. It was lovely to see everyone this morning and to meet new people. Here's to our next catch up over coffee. Now, I'm off to have a coffee in the garden.

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