
Friday, 17 August 2018

Ten Significant Books - day 6

"Again, again, again". The familiar sound of a child wanting to hear a favourite story. My Mum had this one cracked. She always thought of different ways for me to hear stories before I could read them for myself. As well as reading them to me herself, we listened together to the story on Radio 2's 'Listen with Mother' almost every day, waiting for the familiar "Are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin." (Clearly this is why I still enjoy listening to Radio 2)
That usually happened after we'd watched an episode of one of my favourites (after Pebble Mill and the 1 o'clock news) on 'Watch with Mother' on BBC1, long, long before CBeebies had been dreamt of.
Before my brothers got home from school, the record player would be switched on and we'd listen to more stories on vinyl LPs (once again fashionable) - the forerunner of talking books. This one was my favourite and it was played again, again and again. Wendy Craig introduced me to the stories about Tom Thumb and Hunka Munka, Jeremy Fisher, Squirrel Nutkin, Jemima Puddleduck and Pigling Bland and I have loved them since (and still have the LP).

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