
Sunday, 12 August 2018

Ten Significant Books - Day 1

I'm going to identify a book per day over the next 10 days that had a significant impact on me from first reading. Thanks to my writing friend Vicky for the nomination. I'm starting out with one of the first books I remember reading in school - Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby from the Uncle Remus stories.

The impact for me was not the actual story, rather it was on my determination to be able to read a story for myself.

Our P2 teacher rewarded us with dolly mixtures for reading well - is it any wonder I have a sweet tooth? If we read well we received two dolly mixtures each day. The sugar police would have a fit at this nowadays.

This was the book that introduced me to the first difficult word I couldn't read on my own and the day I couldn't read and pronounce 'briars' correctly I didn't receive two dolly mixtures.  But it never happened again - not because I wanted the sweets, but rather because I became determined that difficult words wouldn't beat me.

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