
Sunday, 22 April 2018

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...

It was hard not to hear the words in my head from that familiar Oklahoma! song as I headed into Belfast on the train yesterday morning. The sun was shining, the sky was brilliant blue and a Saturday morning spent with writing pals - old and new - over coffee beckoned.

We spent a very pleasant morning at our SCWBI meet up catching up on news, sharing the titles of some of our favourite books and making new friends.

The rest of the day was equally enjoyable as an afternoon in the garden was called for - enjoying beautiful sunshine, noticing new growth and doing some obligatory weeding. Another coffee, this time outside, was enjoyed, while listening to bees buzzing, breathing in the heady scent of deep blue hyacinths and finding this year's first ladybird. Bliss!

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