
Saturday, 30 December 2017

Cracker Gifts

Looking back, it's been a good writing year. I've submitted stories and poems to publishers and competitions on a regular basis throughout the year, resulting in 150 rejections. The positive side of this is that there have been a few successes. One of my short stories was shortlisted and two were published. One of my poems was longlisted in a UK competition, one was shortlisted in a competition and five were published.

I've continued to receive feedback and encouragement throughout the year from my writing friends in Coney Island and have attended writing workshops in Dublin and Belfast. I was fortunate to receive feedback on my draft novel from Eoin McNamee earlier in the year as part of the Libraries NI creativity month. I was delighted to receive arts and heritage grant funding from Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council this year to support me in finalising my novel.

Looking forward into 2018, armed with my 'cracker' cracker gifts of a pencil sharpener and a large paper clip, I'm going to be busy.

 In the New Year I'll be reading some of my poems at a couple of local events - more details to follow nearer the time. In 2018 I'll be working on a draft children's story about St David with Sainted Media

I'll also be continuing to refine my draft novel.

Happy New Writing Year!

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