
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Farewell November and NaNoWriMo 2016

Phew! I've finished! It's over! I actually managed to complete this writing exercise this year. It has been quite a challenge, finding time each day to sit down and write, amidst the busyness that is life. I've attempted it twice before and have given up mid way through the month on both previous occasions. This time round I knew that if I could keep going beyond the mid month point there was every chance I would be able to complete it. There is no doubt it takes hard work and determination. There have been days when I've stared at the screen willing the words to come out. There have been days when I've been so tired my eyes hurt. But there have also been days when I couldn't stop writing, when I was on a roll and the ideas and words kept flowing. What I find amazing about the whole process is that while I had a rough idea of the story when I started, I had no idea who all the characters would be, how the story would unfold or how it would end.
I didn't sign up to do this through the NaNoWriMo official site. Instead I chose to do it my way. My target was to write over 1000 words a day, aiming for 40,000 words in total. I'm pleased to say I've achieved both targets.
The main thing is I now have a very rough draft of a novel.
Now the fun part starts - re-writing and editing! :-)

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