
Sunday, 19 June 2011

Belfast Book festival

Great day out yesterday at Belfast Book Festival.  Lovely coffee in the cafe @ The Crescent Arts Centre and good to catch up with fellow writers. Very useful information from NIPR. Very interesting speakers at LitNetNI's Writing for Children event - Lynsey Fraser, Siobhan Parkinson and Sheena Wilkinson. Now I need to go and polish up some of my writing!


  1. Hi Morna. I am considering writing a book. I am interested in ornithology and therefore would like to do something about the study of birds. I would prefer to concentrate on unusual birds, from outside the British Isles, and where they live/breed. Obviously, books of this type require many high quality photographs which I am sure could be got from the internet, but would like to use my own, if possible. I assume you have a lot of experience and could share some of it with me.

  2. I hope you find the advice in my blog useful. Good luck with your book

  3. Hi Morna ~
    I am also a Morna, and also a Writer!
    I live in Vermont, USA. I'm working on a young adult novel, getting ready to work on an MFA as well.
    Just thought I'd touch base with another Morna Writer!


  4. Good to hear from another Morna who's a writer too. Good luck with your writing
