It's been a busy few days with lots of exciting writing activities taking place. Over the weekend I went along to a couple of events in the Look North festival. The first one was a children's writing workshop with Shirley McMillan. It was good to meet other writers there and during writing exercises develop a nugget that could be revisited.
While I missed the main launch of the Translink and Ulster University's 'Poetry in Motion' anthology a couple of weeks ago, I managed to pick up my copy last week and enjoyed dipping into it on the journey home.
Over the weekend I managed to get along to a poetry reading in York Street station where some of the organisers shared contributors' work. It was a lovely event - drinking coffee while being read poetry.
Last night we held another SCBWI Ireland 'Picture This, Write Now' session. It's good to make some time to write and doing this and chatting with other writers across Ireland provides each other with encouragement.
Over the last few days, between rejections I've also received news of an exciting new project I'm going to he involved in - more about that in due course.
In the meantime I've been doing some spring cleaning and tidying in preparation for World Book Day later this week.
Have a good one when it arrives!