Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Making Connections

It's been a busy month, catching up with other writers and making new connections. While the recent storm curtailed some events, a couple of weeks ago I met up with writers and illustrators with Children's Books Belfast, meeting in Belfast Central Library before chatting over coffee.

It was good to see so many books by local children's writers and illustrators on display in the new contemporary local collection.

I made some new connections that day and heard about a local illustration exhibition which I've now recently visited.

It was lovely to see so many gorgeous illustrations by award winning children's illustrators on display at 'A World of Wonder' in Lisburn. 

And I've also been making plans with writers - but more about that in due course....

Last week I heard that my poem 'The Journey Home's Soundtrack' will be included in a new anthology with Translink, focusing on making connections. You can read an excerpt here:

Monday, 13 January 2025

Short story shortlisting

The new writing year has already got off to a great start! I've been busy catching up with writing pals and with their encouragement have been continuing to progress my work and make plans.

Over the weekend I received really encouraging news that my short story 'Fidelity' has been shortlisted in the World History Encyclopedia's Ink of Ages Fiction Prize. 

And it was great to see this in print today. I'm delighted to be in great company on the shortlist- especially as one of my writing pals has also been shortlisted in this competition.

Fingers and everything else crossed for the next stage in the competition.

And this encouragement has spurred me on to get stuck into working on another short story....

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Kick starting writing

It's difficult to get motivated on a cold and frosty January morning, but the lure of good company and chat and the chance to be creative enticed us back to Coney Island yesterday. A cosy welcome and cranberry and orange muffins also helped.

We had much to talk about, catching up on each other's news and plans with many of us taking active steps over the coming months to focus on our writing. Focus was in force yesterday when we completed two writing exercises - a short story and a poem with some fun prompts. 

With tasks to be completed before we meet again, it was the right kick start to writing we needed in the new year. This supportive group together with some of the lovely gifts I received at Christmas that will help in my planning, researching and writing, will keep the motivation and focus over a cold, dark January.