
Sunday, 28 May 2023

Bank holiday sunshine

It's another bank holiday weekend  - the third this month and even better that the sun has been shining so we can get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather.  The long weekend got off to a fine start yesterday when I was back with my writing pals at Coney Island. 

Over homemade blueberry and ginger muffins and coffee we caught up on each other's news (and there's always lots to catch up on) and watched boats heading out on adventures on a sea sparkling in the sunshine.

We did some writing exercises to keep those creative minds ticking over, shared some of our work and received helpful feedback. After catching up on more news over lunch we departed buzzing with inspiration and ideas and enthused and supported on our writing projects. 

We didn't leave empty handed - I'm now the proud owner of some back issues of The Author which I've been dipping into. There are some interesting articles about contracts, which I'm finding very useful. The weather is looking good for the rest of the long weekend so you're likely to find me in the garden reading these magazines with my coffee and a wee bun.