
Wednesday, 30 November 2022

November highlights

I decided before November commenced to give NaNoWriMo a miss this year. Instead my writing goal was to catch up with some reading and to rest. This turned out to be a goal that was both achievable and rewarding. 

I managed to finish reading a couple of books and start a few new ones. These included short stories, autobiographies, crime and festive novels. I also managed to add to my 'To Be Read' list, purchasing some gorgeous books at The Secret Bookshelf.

I caught up with reading friends, sharing our news and early festive cheer. Their early Christmas gifts were (unknown to the givers) very appropriately themed - there will be more news on this soon!

Needless to say, the Mars bar squares are long gone. During the month I took part in a couple of writing Zoom calls - one was a SCBWI Ireland catch up. It was good to reconnect and hear news and the presentations. Later in the month I attended a Zoom children's poetry book launch - so many fun poems were packed in. I got a lovely surprise in the post a couple of weeks later when a book prize arrived from a writing competition I'd entered.

And in between, I managed to get some writing done, including a new short story and some new poems. I'm thrilled that three of my festive poems have been published on the Dirigible Balloon's website today. Here is the link to one of them Calendar Countdown

Monday, 7 November 2022

A writerly weekend

I've had a lovely writerly weekend, despite some horrible wet and windy weather at times. On Saturday I was back down at Coney Island catching up with my writing group. The weather gradually cleared up as we caught up on news, drank coffee, ate blackberry and ginger muffins aka writing fuel and did some writing. By the time we were leaving, the sun had come out.

And it was still warm enough to sit outside with a coffee and another borrowed copy of 'The Author' when I got home.

Yesterday I had a meet up with another group of writers, some of whom I hadn't seen since before Covid. It was energising spending time with these talented, creative people and sharing our writing news (some of which is VERY exciting) as well as tasty treats (some of my chocolate brownies and lemon drizzle cake below).

I feel incredibly fortunate to know so many writers who have also become good friends over the last few years. They are generous with their time and their encouragement and I feel very blessed being part of these creative groups. And now that I'm fired up with the enthusiasm that rubs off when you're around creative people, I need to get on with some writing....